Tuesday, May 11, 2010

I Was Afraid…

By Meredith

1. I was afraid of the dark until I realized the only difference was the absence of light.

2. I was afraid of change until I realized it's really just a new opportunity.

3. I was afraid of growing up until I realized it's just as fun being an adult.

4. I was afraid of leaving home until I realized my family will always be there for me.

5. I was afraid to let go until I realized holding on is not working for me.

6. I was afraid to accept help until I realized I'm not expected to do everything on my own.

7. I was afraid of failure until I realized it brings great lessons and more courage.

8. I was afraid of myself until I realized I can change my attitudes and behaviors.

9. I was afraid of being alone until I realized I can truly only depend on myself.

10. I was afraid of misfortune until I realized it is a test of my faith/values.

11. I was afraid to say no until I realized saying yes can jeopardize my morals.

12. I was afraid of silence until I realized it is a gift from the Higher Power.

13. I was afraid of losing people until I realized they are brought into my life for a

predetermined time and purpose.

14. I was afraid of rejection until I realized it is often constructive criticism.

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